Avril a Haifa 2008
Ou sortir????  la souris
Calendrier de tous  les spectacles a Haifa et dans le Nord, en Hebreu
Choix de concerts, pieces de theatre, spectacles  etc... dans les salles de Haifa
auditorium Rappoport auditorium Krieger cinematheque
Agenda du Site des Francophones de Galilee
Pour les enfants
Conferences et activites culturelles au Technion
Conferences et activites culturelles  a l'Universite de Haifa
Pubs, dicos, cabarets
Ballades a cote de Haifa
Heures de Shabbat
Heures du coucher de soleil
Calendrier des fetes
Evenements culturels a Haifa
Informations pour touristes 1 800 30 50 90
Les restaurants et cafes
Portal culturel de la Municipalite
Ou sortir?
Expositions, musees, activites
Musee de Haifa  (8536622)
Musee d'Art de Haifa,  (8523255)
Musee Tikotin d'Art Japonais (8383554) Les animaux dans l'art Japonais, poupees de
papier Theatre Noh
Musee Mane Katz (8383482)
Musee de la Science, Madatech, Entree libre pendant Hol  HaMoed, visites guidees,
demonstrations,  l'exposition le DNA, le secret de la vie, En plus des expositions
permanentes, le musee presente de nouvelles expositions interactives: Energies vertes,
Ma maison verte,  la science du sourire (hygiene dentaire), et la Face des Nobels,
exposition de photographies, demonstrations scentifiques sur le temps, jeux et
atelierspour les tous petits. L'entree au Cinematrix, au planetarium, et aux experiences
de laboratoires est payante et nous vous conseillons de reserver vos places a l'avance
batiment historique du Technion, Hadar, Haifa
le Zoo
"Musee des Pirates", le Musee de la Navigation
voyez notre page Culture
Ballades a cote de Haifa.

Spectacles, danse, musique, theatre, marionettes, etc..
Le 5 avril, 11:00, Un long fil de laine, Histoire racontee par Oki Shafran, mots et sons,
suivie d'un atelier de creation, Musee d'Art de Haifa
Le 5 avril, 11:00, Le royaume de la reine magique, histoire racontee par Oki Shafran, a
12:00, atelier de creation , Centre pour les Arts, Musee d'Art de Haifa

Le 7 avril,  16:30 et 18:00, Concert pour toute la famille, Concerto pour peintre et
orchestre, Vivaldi, De-Falla, Mendelson par le Nouvel orchestre Symphonique de Haifa
dirige par Omer Welber avec des artistes du Lycee Wizo de Haifa,  auditorium Krieger,
Le 7 avril, 17:30, Aya, Outz, Awa, d'apres le livre de Rinat Primo, mise en scene de
Ronen Goldfarb Peled, produit par HaTheatron  Shelanu  

Le 8 avril, 17:00, La fee de pates d'amandes, 3-7, produit par the Theatre du Train,
Hall, Tel Adashim
Le 8 avril, 17:00, Beigele, Beit Heine, Haifa

Le 9 avril, 17:30, La Porte Magique, sur des chansons de Nurit Hirsh, auditorium
Krieger, Haifa

Le 10 avril, 18:00, Gulliver, le voyage a Lilliput, d'apres le livre de Jonathan Swift, 4+,
Hall, Nofit

Le 12 avril, 11:00, Visite guidee du musee, Musee National de la Navigation et de
l'Immigration Clandestine, Haifa
Le 12 avril, 11:00, Visite guidee de l'exposition, Masques et Magie, atelier de creation
Musee de la Ville de Haifa
Le 12 avril, 12:30, Atelier de creation pour toute la famille, poupee  ou tambour
japonais, Musee Tikotin d'Art Japonais, Haifa

Le 14 avril, 12:00-14:00, Au pays des pharaons,  pour toute la famille, visite du musee,
ateliers de creation, Musee des pirates, Haifa

Le 16 avril, 12:00-14:00, Au pays des pharaons,  pour toute la famille, visite du musee,
ateliers de creation, Musee des pirates, Haifa

Le 19 avril, 12:30, Atelier de creation pour toute la famille, poupee  ou tambour
japonais, Musee Tikotin d'Art Japonais, Haifa

Le 21 avril, 11:00-12:00, atelier de creation pour les enfants, Musee Tikotin d'Art
Japonais, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00-12:30, Visite guidee de l'exposition, Masques et Magie, atelier de
creation,  Musee de la Ville de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00-12:00  Petits pharaons, atelier de creation, tiare egyptienne et
maquillage, Musee des Pirates, Musee National de la Navigation et de l'Immigration
Clandestine, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 10:00, 13:00, et 17:30,  Davka oui, et pas possible, d'apres le livre de Rina
Harel, (5-9ans), Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, Le chef qui a faim, mise en scene de Assaf Alberstein
et Itamar Moreno, (4+), Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, le Golem de Prague, de Gabriel Emmanuel, mise en
scene de Edward Rip, Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, David et Goliath, ecrite par les acteurs, Eviatar
Lichtenstat et Yair Raufman, mise en scene de Shira Stern, (5ans+), Theatre Municipal
de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Le petit Mozart, de Ofira Arconi, mise en scene de
Gadit Cohen, Beit Struck, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, L'arbre, de Shel Zilberstein, mise en scene de Eliane
Welgi. Musique originale de Alexei Sobah, Centre communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Au dela de la mer, poemes de Bialik, (4+), mise en
scene de Alina Ashbel, Martef 10, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:30, 16:00, Spectacle du jour, mise en scene de Tsvika Fishman, Centre
communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 11:30, 13:30, 19:30, Hasamba, de Yigal Mosenson, mise en scene de Alon
Ofir, produite par le Theatre Orna Porath,  Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 21 avril, 12:30, 16:00, 17:30,  Perles du theatre de marionettes,  HaMerkacha
(Pevsner  27), Haifa
Le 21 avril, 16:00 et 18:00, Gedalia cherche un point,  de Amichai Hazan, mise en
scene du Theatre du Bon Point, salle Etnachta, Beitar 8, Haifa
Le 21 avril, 17:00, Promenade dans la planete de fromage,  de Yoav Barlev et Hanoch
Raim, mise en scene de Yoav Barlev, Beit Hagefen, Haifa

Le 22 avril, 11:00-12:00  Petits pharaons, atelier de creation, tiare egyptienne et
maquillage, Musee des Pirates, Musee National de la Navigation et de l'Immigration
Clandestine, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00-12:00, atelier de creation pour les enfants, Musee Tikotin d'Art
Japonais, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 10:00, 13:00, et 17:30, Davka oui, et pas possible, d'apres le livre de Rina
Harel, (5-9ans),  Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Le chef qui a faim, mise en scene de Assaf Alberstein
et Itamar Moreno, (4+), Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, le Golem de Prague, de Gabriel Emmanuel, mise en
scene de Edward Rip, Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 22 avril, 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, David et Goliath, ecrite par les acteurs, Eviatar
Lichtenstat et Yair Raufman, mise en scene de Shira Stern, (5ans+), Theatre Municipal
de Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Le petit Mozart, de Ofira Arconi, mise en scene de
Gadit Cohen, Beit Struck, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, L'arbre, de Shel Zilberstein, mise en scene de Eliane
Welgi. Musique originale de Alexei Sobah, Centre communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Au dela de la mer, poemes de Bialik, mise en scene de
Alina Ashbel, (4+), Martef 10, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:00, Hasamba, de Yigal Mosenson, mise en scene de Alon Ofir, produite
par le Theatre Orna Porath,  Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 22 avril, 12:30, 16:00, 17:30,  Perles du theatre de marionettes,  HaMerkacha
(Pevsner  27), Haifa
Le 22 avril, 11:30, 16:00, 19:00, Spectacle du jour, mise en scene de Tsvika Fishman,
Centre communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 16:00, Otz li Gotz li, par le nouveau Theatre Cameri, auditorium Haifa,
Le 22 avril, 17:00, Promenade dans la planete de fromage,  de Yoav Barlev et Hanoch
Raim, mise en scene de Yoav Barlev, Beit Hagefen, Haifa
Le 22 avril, 17:00, 19:00, Monsieur Zuetta et le pommier, d'apres le livre de Orit Raz,
de Yaki Machraz, mise en scene de Nir Erez, Theatre Municipal de Haifa

Le 23 avril, 11:00-12:00  Petits pharaons, atelier de creation, tiare egyptienne et
maquillage, Musee des Pirates, Musee National de la Navigation et de l'Immigration
Clandestin, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00-12:00, atelier de creation pour les enfants, Musee Tikotin d'Art
Japonais, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00-12:30, Visite guidee de l'exposition, Masques et Magie, atelier de
creation,  Musee de la Ville de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 10:00, 12:00, 17:00, Le chef qui a faim, mise en scene de Assaf Alberstein
et Itamar Moreno, (4+), Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 10:00, 12:00, Casse Noisette, sur la musique de Tchaikowski, mise en scene
de Moshe Capten, Meditech en collaboration avec l'Orchestre Symphonique de
Raanana, Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:30, 16:00, Davka oui, et pas possible, d'apres le livre de Rina Harel, (5-
9ans), Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, le Golem de Prague, de Gabriel Emmanuel, mise en
scene de Edward Rip, Theatre Municipal de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 16:00, David et Goliath, ecrite par les acteurs, Eviatar
Lichtenstat et Yair Raufman, mise en scene de Shira Stern, (5ans+), Theatre Municipal
de Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Le petit Mozart, de Ofira Arconi, mise en scene de
Gadit Cohen, Beit Struck, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, L'arbre, de Shel Zilberstein, mise en scene de Eliane
Welgi. Musique originale de Alexei Sobah, Centre communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00, Au dela de la mer, poemes de Bialik, mise en scene de
Alina Ashbel, (4+), Martef 10, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 10:00, 13:00, 17:30, Spectacle du jour, mise en scene de Tsvika Fishman,
Centre communautaire de Hadar, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 12:30, 16:00, 17:30,  Perles du theatre de marionettes,  HaMerkacha
(Pevsner  27), Haifa
Le 23 avril, 17:00, Promenade dans la planete de fromage,  de Yoav Barlev et Hanoch
Raim, mise en scene de Yoav Barlev, Beit Hagefen, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 16:00, 18:00, Freres de cֵ“ur, ecrite et mise en scene par Itzhak Shik, (6-
12), salle Etnachta, Beitar 8, Haifa
Le 23 avril, 17:00, 19:00, Uzu et Muzu du village Kakruzu de Efraim Sidon, mise en
scene de Israel Gurion, produit par Meditech, Theatre Municipal de Haifa

Du 23 au 26 avril, Festival International de Pantomime de Sh'faram, Hommage a
Marcel Marceau, avec des artistes venus d'Israel et d'Allemagne, de France, d'Italie, de
Bulgarie, de l'Autorite Palestinienne et du Japon, renseignements 04 9501827, ou

Le 24 avril, 11:00-12:00  Petits pharaons, atelier de creation, tiare egyptienne et
maquillage, Musee des Pirates, Musee National de la Navigation et de l'Immigration
Clandestine, Haifa
Le 24 avril, 11:00-12:00, atelier de creation pour les enfants, Musee Tikotin d'Art
Japonais, Haifa

Le 25 avril, 11:00-12:00  Petits pharaons, atelier de creation, tiare egyptienne et
maquillage, Musee des Pirates, Musee National de la Navigation et de l'Immigration
Clandestine, Haifa
Le 25 avril, 11:00-12:00, atelier de creation pour les enfants, Musee Tikotin d'Art
Japonais, Haifa

Le 3 mai, 11:30, Yuval l'etourdi, de Hezi Shaked, avec Yuval Shem Tov, mise en scene
de Avi Dor, Theatre HaTsafon, Kyriat Haim
Le printemps est la!
Le 5 avril, Visites guidees dans les parcs nationaux:   *3639
Reserve naturelle du Hula, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00
Tel Dan, visite guidee et histoires 11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Golan, Du pont de l'amitie a la cascade de Saar et Nahal Gibon (*3639)
Forteresse de Nimrod, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 04 6949277
Banias, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 04 6905277
Gamla, de 10:00 a 15:00, toutes les heures
Excursions de la Societe pour la Protection de la Nature
Festival Action dans la Nature
Observation des oiseaux au lac de Hula inscriptions a l'avance 046937069
La Voie Lactee, ferme, lait, creme etc.. Beit Lechem Haglilit
Le Lac Vivant, Kibbutz Yiron
Pour tout public
page d'accueil
En mai...

La 4ieme marche annuelle , sous le patronage , du Centre Chi.L.D  de Haifa
Cette Institution, a but non lucratif, au profit des enfants ayant des difficultes
d'apprentissage  et des troubles de comportement, organise depuis quelques annees une
marche de deux  heures; cette annee  a Haifa, pour tous les bons marcheurs de tout
Le Lundi 5 Mai 2008 a 3 heures,
Les frais d'inscription sont de 120 Chekels . Vous recevrez un chapeau, un T-shirt, et a
votre retour au Centre Child  vous aurez une legere collation, apres tant d'efforts, quel
Apportez avec vous la bonne humeur, laissez vos soucis dans la nature, venez vous
detendre, visitez Haifa, sous la direction d'une guide dynamique et sympathique et faites
une bonne action car toute la recette sera pour l'installation dans le nouveau batiment
du jardin d'enfants pour l'education specialisee.
Prenez part a cette  apres midi speciale, elle restera dans vos bons souvenirs et vous ne
cesserez pas d'en parler autour de vous.
Pour tous renseignements et inscriptions contacter Efrate Schreiber Chargee des
relations publiques 04-9040610- port:052-766-1932

Spectacles, conferences, rencontres, culture....
Le 1er mai, 10:00, Conference par Alon Klivanov,  La Cite eternelle ג€“ Histoire et
Culture de Rome ֲ« Le Phenix ֲ»a sa Hauteur - Rome baroque", Musee Tikotin d'Art
Le 1er mai, 20:30, La Cause du Deces, de Yael Navi, mise en scene de Noya Lancet,
produit par Beit Lessin, Theatre HaTsafon
Le 1er mai, 20:30, Ehud Banai, Berle, Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva

Le 2 mai, 9:00, Conferences de Itzhak Peleg, Avot et Shoftim, , et de Yinon Shavtiel, De
Jerusalem a la Galilee al'epoque du 2eme Temple, Institut Absalon, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 2 mai, 22:00, Parfum du verger, Vous chantez avec Ilan Leibowitch et son groupe,
des chansons en ladino et des histories sur la Jerusalem d'autrefois, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 2 mai, 22:00, Lital Shwartz, auditorium Krieger, Haifa

Le 3 mai, 20:30, le Quatuor d'Israel fete ses 50 ans, Shubert, Schumann, Ravel, salle
Hecht, Universite de Haifa
Le 3 mai, 21:00, La Cause du Deces, de Yael Navi, mise en scene de Noya Lancet,
produit par Beit Lessin, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 4 mai, 20:30, Fenetres ouvertes sur la Mediterrannee,  le Nouvel orchestre
Symphonique de Haifa, dirige par Omer Welber, avec Michal Sasson, santur, Eti Ben-
Zaken, chant et recitatif, Amnon Joel, percussion: Rossini: ouverture de  
Lג€™Italiana in Algeri , Yoni Rechter: Concerto pour Santur, Rimsky - Korsakov:
Capriccio Espagnol, E. Steinberg: "La mariee denoue ses tresses et le marie s'evanouit
" Chants d'amour Ladino, auditorium, Haifa
Le 4 mai, 20:30, La Cause du Deces, de Yael Navi, mise en scene de Noya Lancet,
produit par Beit Lessin, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 5 mai, 10:00, Conference de Smadar Carmi Giberman,  Passion de Bach, Oratorio
de Haendel, Bet Abba Hushi

Le 9 mai, 9:00, Conferences deGila Doron, Avot et Shoftim, , et de Yinon Shavtiel, De
Jerusalem a la Galilee a l'epoque du 2eme Temple, Institut Absalon, Beit Abba Hushi

Le 11 mai, 10:00, 20:00, l'Autriche, l'Orchestre de Chambre d'Israel, dirige par Mendi
Rodan , Presentation de Alon Klibanov avec Vladimir Reider violon,
Schubert Symphonie no. 3, Mozart "Exultate Jubilate", Schoenberg Chamber
symphonie, Strauss Kaiser Walzer, Strauss Thunder & lightning polka, Or Akiba

Le 12 mai, 19:30, Hazanuth, l'Air qui permet de respirer, conference du Professeur
Aaron Ciechanover, ;aureat du prix Nobel de chimie, Beit Abba Hushi

Le 13 mai, 18:00, Fatach et Hamas, entre la terre des orangeraies et celle du Wakf
islamiste, l'islamisation du Fatach, confernece de Ido Zalkowicz, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 13 mai, 20:00, l'Autriche, l'Orchestre de Chambre d'Israel, dirige par Mendi Rodan ,
presentation de Alon Klibanov avec Vladimir Reider violon,
Schubert Symphonie no. 3, Mozart "Exultate Jubilate", Schoenberg Chamber
symphonie, Strauss Kaiser Walzer, Strauss Thunder & lightning polka, auditorium,

Le 14 mai, 19:00, Studio 21, Architecture d'interieur, par Eyal Nachmias, College
academique Wizo de design et d'education

Le 15 mai, 20:30, Cabaret Litteraire, presente par Avirama Golan, avec Sahara Blau a
propos de son livre, "׳™׳¦׳¨ ׳�׳‘ ׳”׳�׳“׳�׳”", Theatre Municipal de Haifa

Le 16 mai, 9:00, Conferences de Itzhak Peleg, Avot et Shoftim,, et de Yinon Shavtiel, De
Jerusalem a la Galilee al'epoque du 2eme Temple, Institut Absalon, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 16 mai, 10:00, Conference du Dr Yardena Dagan, Carmen de Bizet, avec la mezzo
soprane Galina Melinski, Bella Steinbuch piano et Racheli Efrat, danse, Beit Abba
Le 16 mai, 10:00, Voir la musique et ecouter le dessin, Conference du Irena
Friedlander, Tableaux d'une exposition de Moussorgksi, auditorium du Musee Hecht,
Universite de Haifa
Le 16 mai, 22:00, Yevgenyi Shapolavov, 40-60, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 17 mai, 21:00, Jazz chaud, Hot club de Norvege, Beit Abba Hushi

Le 19 mai, Symposium des  laureats du prix Nobel au Technion, Churchill, Technion
Le 19 mai, 19:30, La Bible dans l'art, Conferences du Dr Guideon Ephrat, Paradoxe:
Le cadeau de la Thora et le bris des tables de la loi, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 19 mai, Mummenschantz, theatre de masques Suisse, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 20 mai, Mummenschantz, theatre de masques Suisse, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 23 mai, 9:00, visite guidee par Gila Doron sur les traces de la derniere bataille de
Shaul, Gilboa, Le 2 mai, 9:00, Conferences de Itzhak Peleg, Avot et Shoftim, , et de
Yinon Shavtiel, De Jerusalem a la Galilee al'epoque du 2eme Temple, Institut Absalon,
Beit Abba Hushi

Le 25 mai, 20:30, Dan Almagor presente les chansons de la premiere decennie du
XXIeme siֳ¨cle, avec Arik Sinai, Keren Hadad et des jeunes talents, Theatre HaTsafon

Le 26 mai, 19:30, Au dela de l'horizon, conference de Sefi Ben Yosef, La route de la
soie, ceramique et fondamentalisme, Au dela de l'horizon, conference de Sefi Ben
Yosef, Beit Abba Hushi
Le 26 mai, 20:30, Patrick Bruel, Park Raanana, Raanana

Le 27 mai, 7:00-18:00, 7:00-19:00, Vallees de Galilee, paysage, flore, nature, et
humanite, avec le guide, Dr Miki Hadar, difficulte:facile-moyenne,  Institut Megid, Beit
Abba Hushi
Le 27 mai, 20:30, Orchestre Andalou, avec le celebre le chanteur paytan Charlie
Outmezgin accompagne par Samach Cafri et Efraim Yigudiov,  Theatre HaTsafon

Le 30 mai, 9:00, Conferences deGila Doron, Avot et Shoftim, et de Yinon Shavtiel, De
Jerusalem a la Galilee a l'epoque du 2eme Temple, Institut Absalon, Beit Abba Hushi

Et en juin

Le 3 juin, 18:00, Fenetre ouverte sur le monde Arabe, Le conflit Israelo Palestinien,
Conference de conclusion, Beit Abba Hushi

Le 6 juin, 22:00, Litla Shwartz, Beit Nagler, Kyriat Haim

Le 9 juin, 10:00, La mer et l'homme, Visite guide de St Jean d'Acre-Akko l'ottomane,
avec Ron Bari de l'Universite de Haifa, rencontre a 10:00  a cote de la guerite du garde
a l'entree du parking de la Compagnie pour le developpement de St Jean d'Acre

Le 13 juin, 22:00, Je vais devenir fou, Vous chantez des chansons classiques d'Israel et
du monde, avec les Parvarim, Beit Abba Hushi

Le 18 juin, Studio 21, Design graphique, par Joseph Vanunu, College academique Wizo
de design et d'education

Le 23 juin, 19:30, Au dela de l'horizon, conference de Sefi Ben Yosef, Ethiopie
chretienne au Nord, payenne au Sud, Beit Abba Hushi

Noa Bizanski
L'alya....quel "chamboulement"dans la vie : separation,difference de culture,de langue,de
climat.....le reve sioniste devient dure realite.
Nous vous invitons a en parler,ensemble,avec le Dr.MORDOHAI BENHAMOU, le 2 avril a   a
16H45 dans la salle "CAFE OLE" du centre Aba Houchi-131 Rue Hameguinim
Le Docteur  BENHAMOU est diplome de la Sorbonne  en sociologie et psychosociologie, specialiste
des interactions et des structures (famille, couple, education des enfants...) et specialiste de l'aide et
du soutien a l'integration des olim
Renseignements :Ketty :0546706978   Yoline Golderg et Ketty Pardo-Roques-

Bonjour a toutes ,
Vous allez pouvoir demarrez un ete fabuleux ,habillee en robe de La Robe bleue, en jersey, en violet,
rouge, gris, vert ou ciel !! (les modeles sont adaptes aux femme PAS enceintes !)
Nous organisons une vente dans nos bureau le VENDREDI 4 Avril, de 9h00 a 14h00, 37 rue Ben
Il y aura des robes, des pantalons legers, des salopettes en lin...et autres.
A vendredi , Orly
21-23 avril, Festival International du theatre pour les enfants a Haifa cf traduction ci-dessous
23-25 avril, Festival International  de pantomime a Shfaram, Institut Zidan Salama pour la
Culture et l'Art
Le 4 avril 10:00-16:00, Brocante, vente d'objets neufs et d'occasion
organisee par l'AFSNI, l'Association Francaise de Solidarite du Nord
d'Israel,  au Centre Culturel Francais de Haifa
en faveur de la communaute francaise du Nord
Dani Gertman
MAX Ohad Nahari
Les surdoues, cliquez pour agrandir
Ronit Shani
Lital Shwartz
Bonjour a tous , Samedi soir le 5 Avril a 19.45 vous etes invites a une soiree de gala  Edith
Piaf. Encouragez vos amis a y participer, nous avons beaucoup de places.
Nous vous y attendrons, a ne pas rater   Yoline Goldberg
Le 4 avril, Presentation du nouveau livre,
"Les enfants de la cour" de Shmulik Hadash
Des lettres, compositions, redactions des enfants de Kineret , trouvees dans le grenier de
l'ecole  eclairent la vie quotidienne des pionners des kibbutzim
Kibbutz Kineret
Le dimanche 13 Avril 2008 (de 8h30 a ~18h30), l'Agence Juive,"Babait Beyahad",
la Mairie de Haifa ,le  Ministere de l'integration sont heureux de vous inviter a une
excursion guidee dans la ville de Haifa et ses environs,
Le 13 avril, 15:00-19:15, Le College Academique Gordon vous invite a la
conference : Comment inserer  les enfants  ayant des difficultes
d'apprentissage scolaires dans le systeme educatif?
Le 22 avril, 10:00-22:00, Floralies  en musique, le long de l'alle pietonniere renouvellee de la rue Herzl a Hadar,
fleurs, plantes, bonsai, pousses, outils d'horticulture, conseils pour economiser l'eau,  produits alimentaire et
cosmetiques naturels. A Beit Hakranot musique Russe et Klezmers, au coin de  Shmaryahu Levine, jazz, au coin de
Neviim, musique de la Mediterrannee.
A Beit HaKranot: Madacamionette, avec des guides de Madatech
Celebration de la Mimouna a Haifa, 19:00, l'Union Mondiale des Juifs du Maroc et le Centre Culturel
Franֳ§ais, Tente traditionnelle, musique jouee par un orchestre traditionnel, Mouflettot et the a la menthe,
Spectacle avec Shimon Regev et Lior Elmaliach et son orchestre, auditorium Krieger, Haifa
Tous les musees ainsi que le zoo sont gratuits pendant Hol HaMoed
(cadeau de la Banque HaPoalim)
Agenda des evenements a Haifa, pour enfants et pour tout public
rencontres, excursions, theatre, concerts, spectacles, restaurants, pubs,
conferences, expositions, musees,ballet, danse, danse folklorique,
cinematheque, bibliotheques
L'agenda  de ce mois
sur le menu de la page d'accueil
Calendriers passes
Israel art guide

In memory  of the Holocaust: Oskar Schindler, a family history, mixed media by
Amira Davidovich, Association of Painters and Scuplteurs of Israel, House
Chagall, Haifa
Ronit Shani Retrospective exhibit of photographs Academic College Wizo
On April 5, 12:00, Ruthi Director and Danny Yahav Braun discuss the exhibit
Click Clak,A  tribute to the slide projector, University Haifa
On April 5, Opening of the group exhibit Borders of the Motherland, paintings
and prints, Beit Uri and Rami Nechushtan, Kibbutz Ashdod Yaakov
On April 7, Opening of the group exhibition Stills 07-08, with works by Micha
Kirshner, Avraham Eilat, Tal Adler and Tal Shochat, Oranim Academic College,
Kiryat Tivon
From 10 to 25 April, Opening of the exhibit Pictorial signs of the alphabet, on
the origins of the alphabet, organized by the French Association Alphabets, free
entrance , French Cultural Centre, Haifa
On April 12, Opening of the exhibit of  photographies by  Mozi Finkel, New Caro
Gallery for the Arts, Hadar
On April 13, 20:30 , Opening  of the exhibit : Prizes in Art and Design From the
Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, 2007 , Haifa Museum of Art
On April 18, 20:00, Opening of the exhibition by the painter Mohammed Al
Hawajri from Gaza, Spirits and perfumes, French Cultural Center, Nazareth
On  April 28, 11:00, Opening of the exhibit, 60 years old and opening  her eyes,
by students, presentation by Rachel Metoki, Beit Yad LeBanim

Theater, Dance, Shows, Conferences

On 1 April, 7:00-19:00, Golan and the Galilee Valleys, landscapes, flora, nature
and humanity, with the guide Dr. Miki Hadar, difficulty: easy-average Megid
Institute , Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 1, 9:30, Ascola, conference, Good and evil, by Dr. Ron Lahav,
information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On April 1, 11:30, Ascola, conference, Cities tell their stories, by Dvorah
Rothbart, information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On April 1, 20:30, The Apples of the Desert, Savyon Liebrecht, staging by Oded
Kotler, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 1, 20:30 Romeo and Juliette, to the music of Sergei Prokofiev, by the
Israel Ballet, choreography by  Berta Yampolski, auditorium, Haifa

On April 2, 14:45-19:30, Conference on the education of gifted kids, Gordon
Academic College, Haifa
On April 2, 19:00, Conference, History of opera, conference by Alon Klebanov,
Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 2, 19:00, Festive concert by the Enesco quartet, it is possible to receive
invitations by phone 052 2489565 or 050 4863738, auditorium, Haifa
On April 2, 20:30, The Apples of the Desert, Savyon Liebrecht, staging by Oded
Kotler, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 2, 21:00, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced  by Beit
Lessin, Cultural Center, Kiryat Shmona
On April 2, 21:30, Eran Zur, Elephant pub

On April 3, 18:00, Series Raisins and Almonds by Kobi Luria on the Yiddish
song, On the road stands a tree, Cinematheque, Haifa
On April 3, 19:00, Civilization and food, conference in Hebrew by Ruty Shimoni,
Paris along the Seine, 2008,  degustation by Emmanuel Tellier, French Cultural
Center, Haifa
On April 3, 20:00, History of Jazz, Jazz, Free and Modal by Dr. Dan Cohen,
Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On April 3, 20:00, Love made in Israel,with  the group Mifgashim, it is possible
to receive invitations by phone, Ms. Talmi, 057-7548343, auditorium, Haifa
On April 3, 20:00, Felix Lifshitz and Mariella Gridnerov, invitation from Onot
Haifa, 8629959, auditorium, Haifa
On April 3, 20:30, The New Haifa Symphony Orchestra , under the direction of
John Axelrod, with Edna Prochnic, Mezzo Soprano, opening of Beethoven's
Leonore, Bernstein's Jeremiah, Dvorak's Symphony of the New World,
HaTsafon Theatre, Kiryat Haim
On April 3, 20:30, the Aviv duo, Evgenyi Epstein, cello, and Rachel Mercer
violin, , members of the quartet Aviv, Haydn, Paganini, Brenner, Handel,
Glayre, Studio, Haifa
On April 3, 20:30, The Rabbit Hole, by David Lindsday Abaire, produced by the  
Beer Sheva Theatre, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel
On April 3, 22:00, the group Metropolin, musical project of Ofer Meiri, with
Arkadi Dukhin, the Beat, Haifa
On April 3, 22:00, the group Hamu Mehamem Boom, Martef 10, Haifa

On April 4, 9:00, guided tour by Gila Doron, in the footsteps of Dvorah and
Barak, Tabor, Meggido, Absalon Institute, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 4, 9:00, guided tour by Yinon Shavtiel between Beit Shearim and
Zippori, in the footsteps of Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi, Absalon Institute, Beit Abba
Hushi, Haifa
On April 4, 10:00-16:00, Flea market sale of new and used objects, organized by
the AFSNI, French Association for Solidarity to Northern Israel, in support of
the French community in the North, CCF Haifa
On April 4, 10:30, Lecture by Gilit Ivgi: Art in the Service of Ideology - From the
Medieval Period to the Present "The Voyage to Cythara", Tikotin Museum of
Japanese Art, Haifa
On  April 4,  11:00,  David and Udi Ullman, show: History of  Hassidic music,,
Rappoport auditorium , invitations from Milav, 8620437 , Haifa
On April 4, 18:30 and 21:00, Opera Gala, the musicians and singers of the
Tbilisi Opera, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 4, 19:30, Conference by Professor Shlomo Zand, at the occasion of the
publication of his book, When and How was the Jewish people invented?. Chug
Achva, Ben Gurion 39, Haifa
On April 4, 21:00, Rita, her new album, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel
On April 4, 22:00, the Male intellect, by Robert Dubac, with Avi Kushnir, staged
by Eldad Ziv, produced by HaBima, Kibbutz Yagur
On April 4, 22:00, Zvika Pick and 15 musicians, singers and dancers, Radio Bar,
Kibbutz Beit Keshet
On April 4, 22:00, Double Feature, Avigail Rose and Sheila Perver, Martef 10,
On April 4, 22:00, Lital Shwartz, Stand-up, Beit Nagler, Kiryat Haim
On April 4, 23:00, Funck'n'Stein, City Hall, Haifa
On April 4, 23:00, Miki Gavrielov, Berale, Lehavot Haviva

On April 5, 10:30, recital of winners of the Arthur Rubinstein Piano
Competition, Ein HaShofet
On April 5, 11:00, The seventh day, with the journalist Dina Mazliach, Beit
Hecht, 8353515, auditorium, Haifa
On April 5, 12:00, Ruthi Director and Danny Yahav Braun discuss the exhibit
Click Clak,A  tribute to the slide projector, University Haifa
On April 5, 20:00, Franch Israeli Kiss, with Noa Bizanski, songs by Faure,
Ravel, Duparc, Poulenc, Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On April 5, 20:00, The Origins of the Egyptian alphabet, conference in French,
translated into Arabic, by Professor Rina Viers, free entrance , Cultural Center of
On April 5, 21:00, The Marriage Contract, by  Ephraim Kishon, produced by the
Cameri, staged by Moshe Naor, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 5, 21:00, Spongia in the big city, and Rami Vered Miron Minster,
staging by Avi Dor, with Hani Nachmiass, Irit Anebi and Tsippi Shavit, Beit
Nagler, Kiryat Haim
On April 5, 21:00, Rita, her new album, Yad LeMeginim auditorium, Kibbutz
On April 5, 21:00, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Community Center, Kiryat Atta
On April 5, 21:00, Matti Caspi, IntiMatti, Zohar, Tivon
On April 5, 22:00, Idan Reichel, Berale, Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva

On April 6, 20:00, The story tellers stories: suspense and horror stories, Beit
Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 6, 20:30, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of
Mikko Frank, the Emperor of Beethoven, with pianist Helene Grimauld, Sibelius
symphony and the apotheosis by Einojuhani Rautavaara, auditorium, Haifa
On April 6, 20:30, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Community Center, Kiryat Atta
On April 6, 22:00, Ehud Yaari, new album, the Beat, Haifa

On April 7, 10:00, Lamentations of love, conference presented by Dr. Dagan
Yardena with Mierella Gradinaro, sopranoand  Bella Steinbuch piano, Beit Abba
Hushi, Haifa
On April 7, 8:00, National Rally of children and adolescents, marches: Nachal
Ezov, Nachal Siach, Kochav Hayam and Nachal Lotem, 14:30, meeting in the
presence of the Minister of Environment, Mr Guidon Sar, Park Hecht, Haifa
On April 7, 10:30 , Lecture , Science, Culture and the Human Soul From
Galileo to Freud "Darwin and Modern Time" , Tikotin Museum of Japanese
Art, Haifa
On April 7, 11:00, Conference by Dr Avihu Bar Eyal, Metempsychose India, Beit
Yad LeBanim On April 6, 20:00, Conference by Motti Mendelsohn, The Ten
Plagues of Egypt and the Red Sea, myth or reality?, Beit Yad LeBanim, Haifa
On April 7, 16:30 and 18:00, Concert for the whole family, Concerto for Painter
and Orchestra, Vivaldi, De-Falla, Mendelsohn by the New Symphony Orchestra
Haifa conducted by Omer Welber with artists of the Wizo Haifa high school ,
Krieger auditorium, Haifa
On April 7, 19:30, The Bible in art, Conferences by Dr. Gideon Ephrat, Yaakov,
Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 7, 19:30 Selected topics of Jewish thought, by Rabbi Menachem
Makower, Pessach at Temple, Community Center, Hadar, Haifa
On April 7, 20:30, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 7, 20:30, Hanan Yovel and Jacki Levy, auditorium, Haifa
On April 7, 20:30, Harpsichord recital by Jocheved Schwartz, Spanish Baroque
music, Dor le Dor, Maalot
On April 7, 21:00, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Cultural Center, Yokneam
On April 7, 21:00, Idan Reichel, the Beat, Haifa
On April 7, 21:30, Krysztof Kieslowski, Blind Chance, In presence of guests from
Poland, Cinematheque, Haifa

On April 8,  Walk on Shvil Israel, for Women
On April 8, 9:30, Ascola, conference, Good and evil, by Dr. Ron Lahav,
information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On April 8, 11:30, Ascola, conference, Cities tell their stories, by Dvorah
Rothbart, information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On April 8, 19:00, the French Cultural Center in partnership with the University
of Haifa: Cycle of conferences in French designed by Professor Chetrit,
Questioning and tribulations of identity, National identity and religious identity
France and in the Middle Ages, conference by Dr Jenny Horowitz, free
entrance,  cocktail, French Cultural Center, Haifa
On April 8, 20:00, Georgia, the Chamber Orchestra of Israel, directed by
Vakhtang Kakhidze, presented by Yossi Tavor with Arie Bar-Droma, Tsintsadze
Thumbs Kancheli "Daneliana", Kakhidze "Blitz" fantasy, Georgina, Kakhidze
"Bruderschart", auditorium, Haifa
On April 8, 20:00, Concert by the quartet Zamir, with pianist Rina Weldman
Shuv, Beethoven, String Quartet Op 18 n1, Schumann's Piano Quintet, Beit Yad
LeBanim, Haifa
On April 8, 20:30, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 8, 20:30, Power of attorney, inspired by David Avidan, by the Kibbutz
Contemporary Dance  Company, choreography by  Rami Beer, auditorium, Haifa
On April 8, 21:00, Living in a movie, questions about Hebrew identity, dicorce
discussion on the couple, equality, pre-marital agreements, screening of the film
by Anat Zuria: Mekudeshet, Cinematheque, Haifa
On April 8, 21:00, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Cultural Center, Yokneam
On April 8, 22:00, Eli Lulai, the Mushroom, Kibbutz Dan
On April 8, 22:00, Ronit Rolland, Rhum Bar

On April 9, 10:00, Conference by Ynon Shavtiel, streams and sulfur springs in
Jordan, Beit Nagler, Kyriat Haim
On April 9, 19:30, Conference by  Professor Shlomo Sand at the occasion of the
parution of his new book: When and how was the Jewish people invented? Hug
Achva, Ben Gurion 39, Haifa
On April 9, 20:00, Children of the Shadow, in Yiddish, Tomer Ben Zvi
Teitelbaum, staging by Moti Aberbuch, produced by the Yiddishspiel,  Rappoport
auditorium, Haifa
On April 9, 20:00, Conference by Atalia Haimowicz, We came to Israel, alyiah
from 1882 till today, Beit Nagler, Kyriat Haim
On April 9, 20:30, Yakish and Popotsche, by Hanoch Levine, staging by Yevgenie
Arieh, produced by Gesher, Haifa Municipal Theatre
On April 9, 20:30, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of
Mikko Frank, the Emperor of Beethoven, with pianist Helene Grimauld, Sibelius
symphony and the apotheosis by Einojuhani Rautavaara, auditorium, Haifa
On April 9, 20:30, Marriage by Nicolas Gogol, staged by Udi Ben Moshe,
produced by Khan, Kibbutz Kfar Blum
On April 9, 20:30, On Golden Pond, by Ernest Thompson, staged by Roni
Pinkovitch, produced by Beit Lessin
On April 9, 21:00, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Cultural Center, Yokneam
On April 9, 22:00, HaDag Nachash, Berale, Kibutz Lehavot Haviva
On April 9, 22:00, Rafi Perski, Pub Elijah, Haifa

On  April 10, 18:00, The Rambam, modern Zionist philosopher, by Dr. Avraham
Wolfensohn, College for Jewish Culture, Haifa
On April 10, 19:30 The lesson of seduction, according to the Valiants by Albert
Cohen, by Jacob Haggai, music by Yehuda Poliker,  French Cultural Center,  
On April 10, 20:00, Nazareth, once upon a time, conference-photos, (in Arabic),
by Dr. Bishara Nakleh, free entrance , French Cultural Centre of Nazareth
On April 10, 20:00, The fascination with exotism, conference by Dr. Eytan
Or-Noy, Tchaikowski, Arabic dance and Chinese dance, Rimsky Korsakov  
Sheherazde, Puccini Madame Butterfly, Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On  April 10, 20:00, The Essenians, conference by Yehuda Adler, Beit Yad
LeBanim, Haifa
On April 10, 20:30, Yakish and Popotsche, Hanoch Levine, staging by Yevgenie
Arieh, produced by Gesher, Haifa Municipal Theatre
On April 10, 20:30, Mainly Malher, by the Jerusalem Camarata, under the
direction of Daniel Kleiner, with Alexander Kotliar, cello, Noa Frankel,
mezzo-soprano, Weinberg, Mahler, Schubert arranged by Mahler, Rappoport
Hall, Haifa
On April 10, 20:30, the Trappists, satirical parody, with Albert Cohen and Pauli
Reshef, the Studio, Haifa
On April 10 , 20:30, Marriage by Nicolas Gogol, staged by Udi Ben Moshe,
produced by the Khan, Cultural Centre, Or Akiba
On April 10, 21:00, the Wall, by Pink Floyd, by the Chamber Orchestra of Israel,
International Congress Center, Haifa
On April 10 , 21:00, Kamea, Naked Truth, choreographie of Tamir Ginz,
Cultural Center, Naharyia
On  April 10 , 21:00, Miss Daisy's driver, by Alfred Yuri, staged by
ItzikWeintgarden, produced by Habimah, Cultural Center, Yokneam
On April 10 , 22:00, Efrat Gosh, Radio Bar, Kibbutz Beit Keshet
On April 10 , 22:00, Dana Berger and Yirmi Kaplan, Pub Indika, Benyamina
On April 10 , 22:00, Ehud Banai, and Didi Erez Berale, kibbutz Lehavot Haviva
On April 10, 22:00, Meir Banai, Hear My Voice, the Beat, Haifa
On April 10, 22:00, Shlomi Shaban and his piano, book of my songs, Martef 10,

On  April 11, 9:00, Conference: The rights of polyomyelite patients, corrections
to the current law, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On  April 11, 9:30, the Bible today, religious biography of the patriarch
Abraham, by Professor Menachem Fish, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Tel Aviv, information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On April 11, 10:00, Georgia, the Chamber Orchestra of Israel, under the
leadership of Vakhtang Kakhidze, presented by Yossi Tavor with Arie
Bar-Droma, Tsintsadze, Kancheli, Kakhidze, Or Akiva
On  April 11, 10:00,  Pensiones group,  paper cutting with Esther Shelah,
Religious Community Center of Neve Sheanan
On 11 April, 10:00, See music and listen to drawing, Conference by  Irena
Friedlander, Vermeer, the woman with a pearl, Hecht Museum Auditorium,
University of Haifa
On April 11, 10:30 , Lecture, The Metamorphosis of Symbols and Ideas
"On Bread" , by Einam Shneor , Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On April 11, 21:00, IsraDixiBand, New Orleans week end, auditorium Haifa
On  April 11, 21:30, Between Athens and Thessaloniki, Greek songs pearls, with
the journalist Yaron Enosh and singer Dorit Farkash, Beit Nagler, Kyriat Haim
On  April 11, 21:30, Shishirim with Effi Netzer, Krieger  auditorium, Haifa
On April 11, 22:00, the Albert Beger quartet, big mama, Martef 10, Haifa
On April 11, 22:00, Chat and chatiment, Daniel Revner, staging by Shalom
Assayag, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 11, 22:00, I have brought you peanuts, you sing with the brothers Uzi
and  Haiim Asnar and their guest Israel Gurion, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa

On  April 12, 10:00, New Orleans weekend, The Herald photographer Stenton,
images taken along the Mississippi, auditorium Haifa
On  April 12, 11:00, and Folk Dances for all ranks on the beach promenade and
walkway Dado Naot
On  April 12, 11:00, interview with the historian Shaul Dagan on his book
Between Deganyot and Kinereth, presentation of Baruch Yosefsberg, Beit Hanna
Hushi, Haifa
On April 12, 11:45, New Orleans weekend, the Country Roads Group, American
country music, auditorium, Haifa
On April 12, 20:00, Gala, 3rd round table Haifa,  The Beatles are back, concert
by the New Haifa Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Eldad Shrim,
Maor Cohen, and the artists of "Strictly Dancing" Kfir Ben Laish, Ben Hesed,
Carmi Shimron and musical ensemble Elad Adar-piano , Noam Burg - guitar,
Edmond Guilmor - bass guitar, Oded Kifri - percussion, auditorium Haifa
On  April 12, 20:00, And a thousand songs, group singing  by Yoni Eilat, with
David  Anglo and Osnat Gonen, songs that have made Alyiah, Beit Yad
LeBanim, Haifa
On April 12, 20:30, the  Aviv quartet, Haydn, Bartok, Dvorak, auditorium, Haifa
On  April 12, 20:30, Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw, translating Dory
Parnass, mise en scene of Ofir Alon, produced by the Haifa Municipal Theatre,
Haifa Municipal Theatre
On April 12, 20:30, On the road to Seville, improvised dance, from Morocco to
Spain, with Ortal Gelbman and Anat Cohen, Boustan HaCarmel, entre Haifa et
On April 12, 21:00, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 12, 21:00, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced by Beit
Lessin, Nesher Cultural Center
On  April 12, 22:00, Idan Mor and Eyal Nedri, stand up, the Beat, Haifa

On  April 13, 19:30, El Ami (North) with the municipality of Haifa, Some Seder
in the Seder, how to prepare the Seder in a fair and pleasant manner, with
musical interludes, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On  April 13, 20:00, Ben Gurion and journalists, conference by Dr. Avraham
Wolfensohn, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 13, 20:30, Dan Almagor presents the songs of the 90's,  Festivals and
the Eurovision songs , with HaAchim Ve HaAchiot, Sassi Keshet, Shirli Hod,
HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 13, 20:30, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced by Beit
Lessin, Nesher Cultural Center
On  April 13, 22:00, Eyran and Nir Levi and guest Shula Hen, the Beat, Haifa

On April 14, 10:30, Lecture  by Dr. Jochai Rosen From Painting to Photography
- Birth of a New Medium "The New Documentation" , Tikotin Museum of
Japanese Art, Haifa
On  April 14, 11:00, Conference by Natti Goldberg, the colonization of the
Jezreel Valley, Beit Yad The Banim, Haifa
On April 14,  17:00,evening of conferences: Wadi Salib, 1948-2008, Haifa Art
On April 14, 20:30, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On April 14, 20:30, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced by Beit
Lessin, Nesher Cultural Center

On April 15, 9:30, Ascola, conference, Good and evil, by Dr. Ron Lahav,
information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On  April 15, 10:00, The Holy Bible, beginning of the human civilization, by Dr.
Avraham Wolfensohn, College of Jewish Culture, Haifa
On  April 15, 11:00, Talk about music? conference by Dr. Danny Schwatz, Beit
Yad LeBanim, Haifa
On  April 15, 11:30, Ascola, conference, Cities tell their stories, by Dvorah
Rothbart, information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On  April 15, 17:00, partennariat As with the organization of veterans and the
Haganah fighters Tashach, Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the battle
for Haifa, film, Yehuda Adler conference with the participation of Dany Zeisler,
Shlomo Havouri, Yaakov Zeira, musical interludes, Beit Yad leBanim, Haifa
On  April 15, 18:00, Vision and human eye, optometrist by Uri Cohen, College of
Jewish Culture, Haifa
On  April 15, 18:00, So, who was the first one? The Zionist narrative in front of
Palestinian narrative, Conference by Dr. Yair Boimel, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa
On April 15, 20:00, La mome, by Olivier Dahan, with Hebrew subtitles,
cine-evening and discussion moderated by Nadine Assoune, auditorium, ORT
Braude, Carmiel
On April 15, 20:30, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On  April 16, 10:30, Literary Meeting with Sarah Ostrow, a story of love
anddarkness, Amos Oz, Beit Nagler
On  April 16, 18:00, The Law of the Clean Air,conference by Dr David Starski,
College of Jewish Culture, Haifa
On  April 16, 19:00, Studio 21, Jewellery Design, by the creator Alon Levi,
academic Wizo College of Design and Education, Haifa
On  April 16, 20:00, Alone in the sky , airmen memories, conference, by General
(reserve) Dani Shapira, Beit Yad leBanim, Haifa
On April 16, 20:30, The mother-in-law, by Andrew Bergman, staging by Ofir
Alon, produced by HaBima, HaTsafon Theatre
On April 16, 20:30, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced by Beit
Lessin, Nesher Cultural Center
On  April 16, 22:00, the group HaSultanim, the Beat, Haifa

On  April 17, 20:00, Matisse, Provence, Gertrude Stein, art and the relationship
between artists and patrons in Western art, Beit Yad LeBanim, Haifa
On  April 17, 21:00, The Lover with Tali Rom and Rafael Azran, the Studio,
On April 17, 20:30, excerpts from Don Pasquale of Donizzeti, Bernstein and
Offenbach, by the New Haifa Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Ori
Leshman, with Keren Hadad soprano, Karine Shiffman, mezzo soprano and
Shmuel De Beck Spitzer, bass, auditorium, Haifa
On April 17, 20:30, Tea, written and staged by Roni Pinkowicz, produced by Beit
Lessin, Nesher Cultural Center
On April 17, 21:00, Boaz Banai, nouvel album, Pub Indika, Binyamina
On April 17, 21:00, Berry Sakharov, Kibbutz Ein Harod
On  April 17, 21:30, Crossing the Border, screening of the film in the presence of
the author Bilal Yosef, Cinematheque, Haifa
On  April 17, 22:00, Dana Berger and Yirmi Kaplan, the Beat, Haifa
On April 17, 22:00, Shy Nobleman, Lola Bistro Bar, Kfar Tabor
On April 17, 22:30, Yehudit Ravitz, Berale Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva

On  April 18, 10:00, Sea and men, conference by Colonel Yotam Dagan, Men of
silence, selection of candidates for the 13th unit of the Navy, Hecht Museum
Auditorium, University of Haifa
On  April 18, 10:00, Vietnam today, conference by Rachel Ararat, group of
seniors, Religious Community Center of Neve Sheanan, Haifa
On  April 18, 14:00, Crossing the Border, screening of the film in the presence of
the author Bilal Yosef, Cinematheque, Haifa
On April 18, 20:00, I burnt the world as a poem, by the poet Sami Mhara
accompanied by an oud player, selection of poems in Arabic, French Cultural
Centre, Nazareth

On  April 19, 11:00, Folk Dances for all on the beach, Dado and Naot,

On  April 20, 22:00, The doors open on their own, a tribute to Meir Ariel, the
Beat, Haifa
On  April 20, 21:00, Evening for the benefit of the Rambam hospital department
of oncology for children, presented by Rotem and Anat, HaTsafon Theater

On April 21, 21:00, Rain Man, translated by Shlomi Moskowicz, staged by Roni
Ninio, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim
On  April 21, 22:00, Gilad Segev and Josy Katz, Tribute to Halonot Gvohim, the
Beat, Haifa

On April 22, 21:00, Rain Man, translated by Shlomi Moskowicz, staged by Roni
Ninio, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On  April 23, 19:00, Green Screen, screening of the film, Darwin's Nightmare,
by Hobart Saufer, discussion  moderated by Dr. Shahar Dolev, Cinematheque,
On  April 23, 21:30, Premiere of the film Restless by Amos Kollek, in the
presence of the author, Cinematheque, Haifa

On April 24, 19:00, The Origins of the Egyptian alphabet, conference in French,
by Professor Rina Viers, free entrance , French Cultural Center, Haifa
April 24, 20:00, History of Franco-Arab relations, conference in Arabic by
Professeur Anwar Abu Bandora, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, French
Cultural Center, Nazareth
On April 24, 21:00, Rain Man, translated by Shlomi Moskowicz, staged by Roni
Ninio, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre
On  April 24, 22:00, Beit HaBubot, the Beat, Haifa

On  April 25, 10:00, Conference on the Templars, seniors group, Religious
Community Center of Neve Sheanan, Haifa
On  April 25, 14:00, Screening of The woman in a bubble, in the presence of the
author Netta Levi, Cinematheque, Haifa
On April 25, 19:00, Groovon, free admission , Port of Caesarea
On  April 25, 22:00, with Hemi Rodner Eyran Weitz, Martef 10, Haifa

On  April 26, 11:00, Folk Dances for all on the beach, Dado and Naot,
On April 26, 20:00, David Broza, Berale, Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva
On April 26, 20:30, the Camerata, led by Avner Biron, with Ralph Kirshbaum
and cellists Gavriel Lipkinbd,  closing of the Cellists Convention  of the Jezreel
valley , Kibbutz Mizra
On  April 26, 20:00, Swan Lake, the Maya Plinskaya Imperiale Russian Ballet
Company, auditorium, Haifa
On April 26, 21:00, Rain Man, translated by Shlomi Moskowicz, staged by Roni
Ninio, produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre
On April 26, 22:00, Daniel Hen, stand up, the Beat, Haifa
On April 26, 22:00, Hatikva 6, the Mushroom, Kibbutz Dan

On April 27, 20:30, You are young only twice, Ron Aldrige, staged by Leslie
Lawton, produced by the Municipal Theatre of Beer Sheba, HaTsafon Theatre
On  April 27, 20:00, Conference by Binyamin Yogev, The David Moss Haggadah,
Beit Yad LeBanim, Haifa

On April 28, 10:30 , Lecture  by Dr. Raz Chen-Morris Science, Culture and the
Human Soul From Galileo to Freud "The Creative Man - From Marx to
Nietzsche" , Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On  April 28, 11:00, The influence of the consequences of the Holocaust on the
creation of the state, Conference by Dr. Mordechai Friedman, Beit Yad
LeBanim, Haifa
On April 28, 14:00 The end of my world, adapted from stories by Ida Fink, a
group of theatre Acadenique Oranim College, Zohar, Tivon
On  April 28, 17:30, Negev and Aravah, Then and today, College of Jewish
Culture, Haifa
On  April 28, 20:30, MAX, choreography by Ohad Nahari, auditorium, Haifa
On April 28, 20:30, The Cause of Death, by Yael Navi, staged by Noya Lancet,
produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre
On April 28, 21:00, Mosh Ben Ari, the Beat, Haifa

On  April 29, 11:00, Conference by  Limor Ben Galim, Greek mythology, the
world of man and the world of Poseidon-Neptune, Beit Yad LeBanim, Haifa
On  April 29, 11:30, Ascola, conference, Cities tell their stories, by Dvorah
Rothbart, information 8269215, auditorium, Haifa
On  April 29, 18:00, Poetry and song, in the mirror of the time, conference by
Rachel Azariah, College of Jewish Culture, Haifa
On 29 April, 18:30, The Spanish hostel, by  Cedric Klapish, with Hebrew
subtitles, cine-evening  discussion moderated by Nadine Assoune, free entrance ,
auditorium, Michlelet Hagalil Hamaaravi, Acre
On April 29, 20:30, The Cause of Death, by Yael Navi, staged by Noya Lancet,
produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre
On April 29, 21:00, Jazz and Bossa Nova, with Ilan Salam, flute, Gilad Avro,
bass, Glil Ben Zvi, congas, Amos Hofman, and Shay Zalman guitar, drums, the
Studio, Haifa
On April 29, 22:00, Motti Bikowski, Rhum

On  April 30, 18:00, National planning of the south of the Haifa Bay, ecological
aspect, conference by Dr David Starsky, college of Jewish Culture, Haifa
On  April 30, 20:00, Daring and weakness, war of attrition, non-equilibrium
balance, by the General (reserve) Amnon Biran, Beit Yad LeBanim, Haifa

In May
On May 1, 10:00, Lecture  by Alon Klivanov  Eternal City - The History and
Culture of Rome ,"'The Phoenix' at its Height - Baroque Rome" , Tikotin
Museum of Japanese Art, Haifa
On May 3, 11:30, Yuval the absent minded, by Hezi Shaked, with Yuval Shem
Tov, staged by Avi Dor,  HaTsafon  Theatre
On 1 May, 20:30, Ehud Banai, Berale, Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva

On May 1st, 20:30, The Cause of Death, by Yael Navi, staged by Noya Lancet,
produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On May 2, 22:00, Fragrance of the orchard, You sing along with Leibowitch Ilan
and his group, Ladino songs and stories on Jerusalem of yesteryear, Beit Abba
Hushi, Haifa

On May 3, 20:30, the Israel Quartet 50 years jubilee, Shubert, Schumann, Ravel,
Hecht Hall, University of Haifa
On May 3, 21:00, The Cause of Death, by Yael Navi, staged by Noya Lancet,
produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On May 4, 20:30, Open windows on the Mediterranee, the New Haifa Symphony
Orchestra, direcetd by Omer Welber, with Michal Sasson, santur, Eti Ben-Zaken,
singing and recitation, Amnon Joel, percussion: Rossini: Opening of L'Italiana
in Algeria, Yoni Rechter: Santur Concerto, Rimsky - Korsakov: Capriccio
Espagnol, Steinberg: "The bride unravels her  braids and the groom faints"
Songs of Love in Ladino, auditorium, Haifa
On May 4, 20:30, The Cause of Death, by Yael Navi, staged by Noya Lancet,
produced by Beit Lessin, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On May 11, 10:00, 20:00, Austria, the Chamber Orchestra of Israel, headed by
Mendi Rodan, presentation by Alon Klibanov with Vladimir Reider, violin
Schubert's Symphony no. 3, Mozart's "Exultate Jubilate," Schoenberg Chamber
Symphony, Strauss Kaiser Walzer, Thunder & lightning Strauss polka, Or Akiba
On May 13, 20:00, Austria, the Chamber Orchestra of Israel, headed by Mendi
RodanPresentation of Alon Klibanov with Vladimir Reider violin, Schubert's
Symphony no. 3, Mozart's "Exultate Jubilate," Schoenberg Chamber Symphony,
Strauss Kaiser Walzer, Thunder & lightning Strauss polka, auditorium, Haifa

On May 16 , 22:00, Yevgenyi Shapolavov, 40-60, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On  May 17 21:00, Jazz Hot, Hot Club of Norway, Beit Abba Hushi, Haifa

On May 19,  Technion's Nobel laureates symposium, Churchill auditorium,
On May 19, Mummenschantz, theatre masks Switzerland, Theatre HaTsafon,
Kyriat Haim
On May 20, Mummenschantz, theatre masks Switzerland, Theatre HaTsafon,
Kyriat Haim
On 25 May, 20:30, Dan Almagor presents the songs of the first decade of the XXI
century, with Arik Sinai, Keren Hadad and young talents, HaTsafon Theatre

On 27 May, 20:30, Andalousian Orchestra, with the famous singer paytan
Charlie Outmezgin accompanied by Samach Cafri and Efraim Yigudiov,
HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim

On  April 28, 19:30, Beyond the horizon, conference by Sefi Ben Yosef,
Cambodia, Beit Abba Hushi. Haifa

On  April 30, 21:00, Glow, HaTsafon Theatre, Kyriat Haim